演健康向上的角色,真的有那么难吗??????????作者: 粉丝的粉 时间: 2008-2-6 17:15
演自己,演爱情轻喜剧《粉丝的粉》;P作者: 粉丝的粉 时间: 2008-2-6 17:19
看过范xx演鬼片以后,每次看见她都不敢看她眼睛:'( 至于坏人更不喜欢。喜欢凤阳歌提议的健康向上的角色。:handshake作者: 慧泉宝贝 时间: 2008-2-6 22:44
我也是想坤演一个盲人也许可以.作者: 幽篁听箫 时间: 2008-2-7 17:01
我希望看到他扮演和他本身反差大的角色,比如大坏蛋。哈哈!:sms30作者: 奥尔菲斯竖琴 时间: 2008-2-7 19:27
希望看他扮演一个冷酷但是内心又有温情的人.作者: 凤阳歌 时间: 2008-2-12 10:05
不管是哪一类角色,人物形象本身应有层次性,成长的周期性,才有表演的空间作者: jt 时间: 2008-2-12 11:14 标题: 演历史人物 演历史人物啦,陈坤很象将介石,;P作者: Best-Of-Wish 时间: 2008-2-12 12:08
Simply trust that Kun-er has the wisdom to pick the right 'roles & characters' in a movie or drama production for himself. :loveliness:
In fact, Kun-er has different 'colors & characteristics' within himself to interpret a wide variety of 'roles'.
We know that Kun-er can sometimes be very serious or melancholy (sad), at other times he can be very bright & cheerful,
sometimes can be very funny, playful & naughty like a spoilt baby-child, fooling around, but always with a kind-heart,
he can be courteous & gentle, yet he can be fiery & wild; he can be soft & flexible, yet he also can be firm & iron-willed, etc. etc.--
-- that's the Kun-er with his 'richness' of characteristics we have all seen . . . and one more thing,
Kun-er's most unique, fascinating, captivating charm & 'beauty', both outside & inside !
Kun-er is not perfect, no one ever is; but he is very special, as we have all witnessed.
Therefore, no matter what kind of 'roles' Kun-er will play in his future movies & productions, his unique interpretation &
performance will no doubt, always touch & fascinate us and all the audience in his very own special way. :$ :pj_040作者: 胭脂 时间: 2008-2-12 17:40
不管哪种角色,重要是有丰富的细节来充实这个角色,才能让演员施展开.基本上正面角色比较讨人民大众喜欢.其实我觉得阿汤哥的很多角色,都是蛮适合坤的戏路的.作者: 凤阳歌 时间: 2008-2-13 13:12